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How to choose wallpaper?

How to choose wallpaper?
With this article, we would like to help those who are at a loss when it comes to choosing wallpaper. We will tell you the basic things that you should definitely pay attention to.

First of all, it is worth saying a few words about the samples. For a small room, wallpapers with small patterns or stripes are best, because they advantageously expand the space. For larger rooms, there are essentially no restrictions, any pattern can be applied. Wallpaper in dark colors is recommended only in light rooms, while a room with a lot of light can be easily tempered with a darker wallpaper. Before buying, be sure to ask a seller who will enlighten you about the wallpaper you want. About its manageability, properties. For some varieties, it may be necessary to glue both the wall and the wallpaper, and for other pieces it may be difficult to fit the patterns. The fit of thick wallpaper can occasionally open, but do not be alarmed, these defects can be easily corrected.

Paper wallpapers have a good price, but they are vulnerable. Their material is single or double printed paper, which is how they are usually classified and qualified. Single-layer wallpapers need to be handled with a very steady hand, as they are extremely vulnerable and tear easily. At this point, I would like to note that these single-layer wallpapers are not so popular nowadays, they are mostly used only as so-called basic wallpapers. Paper wallpapers also tend to stretch when glued, which can make it difficult to fit patterns. These alignment problems can be masked by using small, non-figurative patterns.


The price of paper wallpaper depends on the quality of the paper, its thickness and colors. Sawdust wallpapers are the cheapest, but you have to add the price of paint to them if you want to get a beautiful, colorful finish. Of course, there are also those who leave it on the wall in a natural version until the first stubborn dirt stains appear, and paint them only after a few years. That's pretty much all about the so-called simplex wallpapers. Let's talk a few words about more durable duplex versions. They are much stronger, although they are not washable, but they keep their color well and can be obtained in embossed versions.

In the manufacture of washable wallpaper, a paint mass is applied to the paper base in different thicknesses and structures. Both touch and pattern feel soft and warm. They are dust-repellent and gently washable. A special type of vinyl wallpaper are foam coating materials. These wallpapers are not that cheap, but their durability is definitely worth the extra cost.

In our Wallpaper Center you can find a lot of types, materials and surfaces of rolls, for the selection of which you should definitely ask for help and information.